  What does a Life Coach do?
  Why a coach for life?
  Does coaching work?
  Do you need a Life Coach?
  What can you expect?
  Why choose me as your coach?
  My guarantee to you.
  Contact Information
  My Fee

My guarantee to you.

We often fear the unknown, and that fear can stop us from chasing our dreams. That's not the case with coaching. You see, Life Coaching is proven to work. Many highly successful people use coaches today. So, it's safe to say that Life Coaching is not the great unknown. We will not be navigating in uncharted waters. The methods we will use are tried and true and proven to work. There are no magic potions to mix, no mystical powers are needed and no parlor tricks or incantations will be performed. I've read a small library on coaching and I've used that information successfully in my own life and as a coach for others. And I continue to educate myself to grow as a person and coach. You are in very capable hands.

But I feel that I have far more to offer than the typical coach with a typical coaching education offers because my coaching repertoire doesn't stop there. Knowledge gained from books and courses has great importance and I do use it, but the most important things that I've learned (and succeeded with) didn't come from a book nor were they derived from attending a course. My circumstances are much different than most coaches and my journey to here is far from typical. People choose to become a coach, but I feel that coaching chose me. Unlike everyone else, I didn't lose my job due to downsizing or get burned-out at one career and then decide to change careers and become a coach. I've literally stared death in the face on a few occasions, and I've not just survived, I've flourished. My classroom was my life. Few coaches can claim that. When others became disabled and sadly took on the role of victim, I became a leader. When I lacked resources, I became resourceful. And when life handed me lemons, I didn't acquiesce and make lemonade… I created the drinks that I wanted to drink.

I'm a results driven person when it comes to coaching, and I think you as a consumer client should be, too. I think that you should want to see some proof. Well, here I am. This is the real deal. I am the tangible results.

Success can and will be achieved. I've done it and I know that you can do that, too. I don't have magical DNA and I'm no different than you or anyone else. What I do have is a clear understanding of what it takes to get from where I was to where I am. That road has been paved and I live it every day. So yes, I believe I'm different from many other coaches and this significant piece sets me apart from the typical coaching crowd.

One final point, and please take this to heart. This is your life and happiness at stake and I take my responsibility very seriously. I want to be your coach because you believe in me and want me. What I'm offering you is my life experiences and my word to promise to work hard for you and with you. You will get my best effort. I will be supportive and encouraging as your coach. Together, we will be a strong, focused, unstoppable force working towards your dreams and your happiness. Your success is my sole goal.

You have my word on that, and I offer you my 90 day money back guarantee to back it up. As I wrote earlier, I'm a results driven person, so here's my guarantee to you… I can't guarantee success with everyone I coach, no coach could or should, but I will guarantee the following: Try coaching with me for 90 days risk free. If you feel it's not for you or not working for you, I will refund every dime you've paid me. No strings attached, no fine print, absolutely no risk. I set the bar high for myself because I can deliver the goods.

Your dreams, no matter how wild they may be or seem, can become your realities. I believe it because I've seen it happen. Now I want you to believe it, believe in yourself and witness great things in your life. Let me show you how to create it. You can do this.

Let's get started today!

info@lifecoachedwalsh.com   |   (978) 388-6982   |   Copyright 2012 by Ed Walsh